The Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Clinic at Canadian Specialist Hospital Dubai is expanding to accommodate a growing need for easily accessible and comprehensive care in a one-stop setting. Our team consists of highly experienced ENT Doctors, Audiologists, Speech Therapists and Practitioner Nurses. Together, they provide a complete range of services for all ear, nose and throat conditions. Our facilities allow rapid access to the very latest technology for the early assessment of patients.
Our renowned ENT surgeons are performing efficient reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, facial plastic surgery, head and neck surgery, even neurotology, a subspecialty that blends ENT and neurology expertise.
Our ENT team excels in managing conditions such as:
Common ear, nose and throat disorders and disease in Adults and Children
Hearing loss
Perforated eardrums
Nasal and paranasal sinus diseases
Smell and taste disorders
Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea
Throat and voice disorders
Aviation medicine
Offering Advanced ENT Surgeries in Dubai:
Endoscopic sinus surgery including advanced FESS and Balloon sinuplasty.
Functional and cosmetic nose surgeries.
Advance hearing restoration surgeries including cochlear implantation.
Snoring surgery.
Adenoids and tonsils and ear tubes.
Advanced Facilities
The otology centre at CSH has the privilege of using the latest technology and support facilities. It is equipped to meet the sophisticated needs of our patients with the best in class ENT apparatus.
The ENT centre has the flexibility to use any of the five upgraded surgery rooms for endoscopy or open procedures.Above all, the advance otology equipment include video imaging so that patients can see what their doctor sees during inner-ear exam procedures.
The Department of ENT is blessed with infrastructure, equipment and personnel befitting of a world class hospital offering outpatient, emergency and inpatient services and is fully geared to perform the gamut of ENT as well as head and neck surgeries supported by excellent postoperative recovery facilities.
The ENT consulting room is spacious and patient friendly and this has been largely owing to the pride of the department – an ergomed special treatment unit that offers an integrated solution for all ENT office procedures, both diagnostic as well as therapeutic. The unit has also an attached microscope, which allows many otological procedures previously done in theatre now to be performed efficiently in the office, making it hassle free for the patient. With an array of endoscopes of the rigid and flexible variety the department has an unbeatable diagnostic armamentarium enabling a peek into every nook and corner of the head and neck region and hence miss nothing literally. An advanced imaging and archiving system complements the setup and would be beneficial for patient education and also for research.
The department can perform all ENT surgeries as well as major head and neck surgeries in a theatre, which is truly state of the art. Armed with an advanced Zeiss microscope and endoscopes of all types, microdebrider systems and other precision instruments surgeries can now be done with more accuracy, less blood loss, complications and pain and with better results. To highlight a few:
Rigid endoscopies of the upper aerodigestive tract.
Thyroid surgeries.
The Department will strive to keep itself updated on the latest advances in the field of ENT surgery and provide them for the benefit of its patients.
All types of emergencies including airway obstruction due to any cause including foreign bodies in paediatric age group, epistaxis, fractures of nasal bone and surrounding facial skeleton, facial nerve injury etc can be managed in this futuristic setup.
The Audiology lab is a comprehensive setup equipped with a state of the art audiometer and tympanometer capable of performing all audiometric tests and manoeuvres that is deemed necessary. We also have facilities for performing neuro-otological tests. In addition speech therapy will also be provided for our postoperative cases as well as cases with speech pathologies.
We also have well trained, dedicated and caring nurses who can nurse the patient to health faster. Amidst all the advanced technological features we also can take pride in our humane and caring approach and we are confident that with this solid combination we will be able to usher in a paradigm shift in the quality of ENT care in this region.
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