The Obstetrics and Gynaecology department is specialized in ante natal care of expectant mothers, gynaecological problems, problems associated with menarche and menopause, infertility, loop insertion and removal, etc.
In The Outpatient Department The Following Services Are Offered:
Pre–pregnancy counselling
Regular antenatal care
Care of high risk pregnancies
Well Woman Clinic for all age groups, including:
Breast exam
Pelvic exam
Screening for genital infections
PAP Smear
Ultrasound for pelvis
Ultrasound for breasts
DEXA (Bone Densitometry)
Family planning
Contraceptive advice
Treatment of common gynaecological infections
Evaluation of menstrual irregularities by hormonal assessment
Ultrasound and diagnostic laparoscopy
Evaluation of infertile couples by
Semen analysis
Hormonal Assay
Diagnostic laparoscopy and chromopertubation
Induction of ovulation
Treatment of peri and postmenopausal conditions i.e. Hormone Replacement Therapy, prevention of osteoporosis
IUCD insertion and removal
Minor surgical procedures under local anesthesia like I & D abscess, cauterization of cervical erosion, genital warts, etc.
An experienced team of doctors handle normal and operative deliveries; perform surgeries like hysterectomy, ovarian cystectomy, surgery for ectopic pregnancy, tubal ligation, D & C, cervical biopsy, Long Loop Excision of Transformation Zone, (LLETZ), excision of vulval or vaginal cysts, colpoperineorrhaphy, etc.
Maternity and Child Care Facility
This facility offers excellent care to both mother and baby in a caring and relaxed environment during pregnancy and childbirth.
There are two labour rooms, two pre-natal rooms for observation, and a state-of-the- art dedicated operation theatre for emergency caesarean section.
The Labour rooms are fitted with the latest delivery tables.
The exclusive Neonatology ICU equipped with high-end ventilators maintains a nurse child ratio of 1:1.
This facility also has a 10-bed state-of-the- art nursery for healthy babies, with provision for mothers to visit and feed babies. In line with traditional norms, fathers are allowed to view through the glass windows.
In addition to well woman examinations, the center offers the following services:
Prenatal counseling, antenatal care with fetal screening tests for congenital. Chromosomes and structural abnormalities.
Counseling for abnormality in newborns, diagnosis Etiologist causes and advice on preventive measures of future pregnancies.
Postnatal check-up with contraception counseling, if required.
Periodic annual checkups providing, routine cervical smear, breast and Vaginal examination and pelvic Ultrasound Scan.
Labor and Delivery
Labor and Delivery Facility:
Normal Deliveries
Emergency Operative deliveries
Painless labor with Epidural Analgesia
The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
The unit is equipped with:
12 incubators and an isolation room.
Phototherapy lights with state of the art cardiac monitors and six ventilators, two of which are of high frequency.
Two highly specialized transport neonatal incubators with portable ventilators.
Day Surgery
Offers an array of advanced surgical procedures:
Hysteroscopy and D&C – for investigating treatment of abnormal menstrual bleeding as also post- menopausal bleeding.
Evacuation of retained product of conception (ERPOC) for the treatment of incomplete and missed abortions.
Large loop excision of transformation zone (LLETZ) for the treatment of abnormal pre-cancerous cells.
Dye laparoscopy – to check the patency of the fallopian tubes and pelvis in case of infertility.
Diagnostic Laparoscopy.
Laparoscopy ovarian diathermy for polycystic ovaries.
Laparoscopic diathermy for endometriosis.
Laparoscopic management of Ectopic pregnancy.
Infertility Clinic
It offers investigations and treatments like:
Colposcopy – performed in Out-patient Department to detect abnormalities in the cervix.
Full range of investigation for recurrent miscarriages including Karyotyping and Thrombophilia screening tests.
Menopausal Clinic
The clinic is equipped with the latest technologies and facilities like:
Bone Densitometry
Cervical smear
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